Physical Therapy

Advanced Physical Therapy Services.

Dr. Boaz provides individuals with comprehensive and unique physical therapy treatment plans, specific to each individual’s needs in order to encourage healing, enhance wellness and healthy living.

He treats the individual rather than the injury. His mission is to offer patient-centered quality care by providing effective and innovative treatments as well as looking at the individual as a whole. We are practitioners of a holistic approach to health – where health encompasses the mind, body and spirit. Our goal is to help individuals recover from injury, chronic pains and/or surgery through customized therapy and training programs by focusing on manual therapy, Active Release Techniques®, functional strength training and understanding the body’s biomechanics.

He treats the entire body – head to toe – and we have had the honor of treating a wide variety of patients of all ages: from children, collegiate athletes, NFL players, to patients recovering from strokes and women who are pregnant.

By providing one-on-one attention and putting the individual first we strive to restore function, increase performance and enhance longevity. You do not have to be a person on the cover of a fitness magazine to be healthy. We are dedicated to making you feel your greatest, free from pain, and being able to return to your daily activities of living, whether it is dancing, running, lifting your grandchild, or whatever you aspire to accomplish. Our goal is to provide quality care so that you live your most healthy life and aspire to be your most extraordinary self.

Dr. Boaz Ritblatt, is a Doctor of Physical Therapy who earned his degree from the University of Southern California, Division of Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy.

Dr. Boaz has developed a unique treatment model that combines traditional manual Physical Therapy, Active Release Techniques ®, Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM), Deep Tissue Laser Therapy, Myofascial Decompression/Cup Therapy techniques and Rock Taping to treat injuries and pain in order to restore function and strength as well as prevent injuries and improve performance.

Using this health and wellness treatment model as well as his certification as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Dr. Boaz has trained and treated a variety of patients, from NFL athletes, CrossFit competitors, Ironman competitors, Tri-Athletes, Division I Athletes, to high school students and individuals return to activities of daily living.

The primary goal of treatment sessions with Dr. Boaz is to improve function and performance, decrease the risk of injury and help rehabilitate current injuries by unlocking the body’s restrictions allowing for pain resolution and gains in performance.

During a treatment session, Dr. Boaz will assess the impairments restricting your performance or activity and help develop strategies for pain resolution and gains.


Treatments may include:

 Physical Therapy – Personalized treatment programs designed for each individual that incorporate traditional manual therapy to promote healing and wellness.

 Active Release Technique – A patented, soft tissue technique that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and nerves. This treatment system is used to treat most forms of soft tissue injuries and pain caused by overused muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

 Hawk Grips/IASTM Treatment – With Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization, scar tissue-like fibers are broken down allowing the body’s healing process to restart, bringing in new nutrients and blood to the area and allowing the body to heal naturally.

 Cup Therapy – The goal of Cup Therapy is to introduce a negative pressure tool in a systematic movement-based approach to treat fascial restrictions, fascial tension, and scar tissue.

 Deep Tissue Laser Therapy – Triggers a therapeutic response that helps decrease pain, reduce inflammation, improve circulation and cellular metabolic activity as well as accelerate tissue repair.

 Rock Tape – A type kinesiology tape engineered to meet the demands of competitive athletes. It helps athletes manage fatigue and increase performance by promoting recovery, or helping to relieve pain and swelling.


Additional modalities used.


Some Injuries Treated:

● Sports Injuries ● Overuse Injuries ● Soft Tissue Dysfunction ● Sprains & Strains 
● Joint Stiffness ● Arthritis ● Neck & Back Pain ● Shoulder Pain ● Hip Dysfunction ● Knee Injuries ● Foot/Ankle Pain 

Call to schedule your EVALUATION TODAY with Dr. Boaz!
